The DC Chapter holds elections for Officer positions every two (2) years. The term of the current administration ends in December 2024. The new administration has been elected with three vacant positions. If a role is not filled during a general elections cycle or becomes vacant during an administration, a special election may be held to fill that role in accordance with the Chapter's Bylaws.
Our Special Elections for the remaining three officer positions for the 2025-2026 Administration are:
Vice President, Administration
Vice President, Development
Deputy Treasurer
Chairperson roles are not elected positions and are appointed by the President, under the advisement of the sitting Executive Board. If interested in consideration for a chair position, email president@dcblackmbaa.org for more information on the process.
October 23 – November 8: Nominations Period
November 12: Ballot Announced / Online Voting Begins
December 6: Online Voting Ends
December 10: General Body Meeting
In-Person Voting / Results Announced